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Thursday, June 30, 2022

How to index blog post in google search console

How to index blog post in google search console 

How to index blog post in google search console?how to to add your blog post in google console?in this article I will tell you how to index you your blog post in google search console.Until unless you don't add for blog post in google search console your blog post will not show any search engine.so it is necessary to add your blog post in google search console.pfollow the steps given below to add your post In google search console.
  • Sign in in your blogger account.
  • Click on post.
  • Click on any post share icon.
  • The link of your post has been copied now.
  • Open a new tab in browser.
  • In search bar write google search console and press  enter.
  • Click on first link after add.
  • Here you will see the option URL inspection under the three dashes.
  • Click on it and paste your link in search bar and press enter  or Go in mobile.
  • Now your post has been submit for adding in google search console.
  • A new pop up window will be open.
Retrieving data from google .

After moments a go another message will show you.
  • Url is not on google.

  • Click on request indexing.
  • After few seconds this operation will complete.and a new message will show you.

  • Then press on test live URL .
  • After a little a new messege will show URL is available to google.

Now your blog post has been indexed on google search console.

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