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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

How to add your blog on google search console

 How to add your blog in google search console 

How to add your blog in google search console.how to add your blog post in google search console.how to indexed your websites in search console.How to show your website in google search engine.how to show your website on internet.If you are a good writer and want to earn money through internet posting articles on website or blog.so it is necessary that your website should be on different browser thats how more find you on different search engines and you crawlers get your data and save.when a user search for something data that exist in your website,the search engine show your article to your searcher.follow the steps given below to add your website or blog in search console.it is necessary to indexed your blog In google search console for google AdSense account.

Add to google search console

  • Open your blog or website home page...
  • In the top bar a link will appear.....
  • This is your blog link.....
  • Click on it and copy.......
  • Open a new tab in browser.....
  • In search bar type google search console and press enter......
  • Click on first link after add.....
  • Hen google search console is opened there will two option to show you....
  • 1.domain   2.URL prefix
  • If you made your website on blogger  and you have no domain then you should paste your link URL prefix.
  • If you buy a domain then you should paste your link domain.
  • And press on continue.
  • A new new window will be open given below.
  • Indexing
    Press on go to property or done.
  • Now you are a verified owner.
  • Now google search  console will be open.
  • Press on sitemap option.
  • Here you will see your blog URL.
  • After your URL a blank dash will appear here you need to write sitemap.xml.
  • Press on submit.
  • A new window will be open written "your sitemap successfully add".
  • Now your bog has been indexed on google search console.

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